Color Vision Correction

Types of color deficiency

Color vision deficiency, also known as color blindness, is a surprisingly common condition. Many people think that people who are color blind can only see in black and white. However, contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t actually mean that you can’t see color at all. Instead, patients who suffer from color vision deficiency find it tricky to differentiate between different colors.

The majority of people who suffer from color vision deficiency struggle to distinguish between shades of red, yellow and green. Known as a red-green deficiency, it affects around 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. People who experience red-green color deficiency typically find it difficult to distinguish between shades of red, orange, yellow, brown, purple and green. They may also confuse red with black and the colors that they can see will appear much duller than they would to someone who does not have a color deficiency.

There is also a less common type of color deficiency, patients of which have difficulty telling the difference between blues, greens, and yellows. Not surprisingly, this is referred to as a blue-yellow color deficiency.

What causes color vision deficiency?

Exactly what causes color vision deficiency is not always known. In most instances, it is an inherited condition that is passed down from at least one parent and is present from birth. In some cases, color blindness develops later in life. In some cases, it is a symptom of a more serious condition such as diabetes or glaucoma. In most cases the cause is genetic and most individuals function quite well. Color vision deficiency impacts day to day life. Some of the most common issues that can arise for a person with color vision deficiency include:

  • Problems at school if colors are being used as a learning tool (something which is very common)

  • Difficulty with food and cooking, such as telling if the meat is properly cooked, fruit and vegetables are ripe or using the correct ingredients in recipes.

  • Identifying safety and warning signs

  • Identifying medications if colored capsules or markings on boxes are used

Patients with a color deficiency may also not be able to work in certain careers. Examples include air traffic controllers, pilots, electricians, and train drivers.


Color vision correction

The good news is that it is possible to correct color vision deficiency, eliminating many of the days to day difficulties that you might experience. We are delighted to be able to offer renowned Enchroma Lenses for use in our eyeglass frames. These remarkable lenses adjust the amount of each of the three Prime colors (red, blue and green) that enter your eyes, allowing your perception of color to be altered. Each set of EnchromaÆ lenses is designed specifically for your needs and is tinted with an active coating that enables the surface of the lens to reflect color.

Color correcting contact lenses are for patients who have red-green color vision deficits and, if you are suffering from this issue, might enable you to distinguish colors much more easily.

If you would like to find out more about color vision deficiency or the various options to allow you to discriminate color, please don’t hesitate to arrange an appointment with our office.