What Is the Process of Getting Contact Lenses?

Contact lenses are ideal for people who want a convenient vision correction option. The process of getting contact lenses differs from that of getting eyeglasses. It is different from a regular eye exam because it has additional steps. It involves a good candidate for contacts and includes lens fitting.

Corrective lenses will help you enjoy good vision without eyeglasses or surgery. Contacts are a good option for active individuals. Here is the process of getting contact lenses. 


A Complete Eye Exam

The first step in getting contact lenses is getting a comprehensive eye exam. The exam includes reviewing the patient’s eye health history and conducting tests. The tests include a refraction test, retinoscopy, and a cover test, among others.

If you wear corrective lenses, the doctor will examine any changes in your vision and eye surface. After the eye exam, the optometrist will fit you with the right contacts.


Contact Lens Preferences

After the exam, the doctor will discuss the contact lens options available. You can discuss your expectations and preferences. The discussions will include choosing the duration of wear, vision acuity lens comfort, and issues such as dry eyes.

It will help determine the specific contact lenses to suit your eyes. Depending on your age, the doctor will discuss age-related vision changes such as presbyopia.


Measuring the Eye Surface

You will need eye surface measurements to ensure that you get contacts that fit precisely. It involves measuring the curvature and surface of the eye, including the size of the pupil and iris. Proper lens fit will help ensure the best vision correction and eye comfort. Information from the measurements makes the difference between your eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions.


Tear Film Evaluation

A tear film evaluation will check if you have dry eyes. This information will come in handy when choosing the lens type or material. The doctor can assess whether you have adequate tear film to support contacts.

If you suffer from chronic dry eye or have insufficient tears, you may not be a good candidate for regular lenses. However, the doctor may recommend new specialized lenses that deliver moisture to the eye surface.


Contact Lenses Fitting

After the tear evaluation, the doctor will fit you with trial lenses and examine your eyes to ensure they work properly. Observing the movement and alignment of the lenses on the eye surface is essential for accurate fitting. The doctor will conduct tests to ensure the correct prescription.

After achieving the correct fit and prescription, you will get trial lenses for a week. You will receive instructions on how to insert and remove the lenses. A follow-up exam will confirm that the contacts work, and you can order your supply.

Contact lenses sit on the eye surface, making them more complicated to fit than eyeglasses. Follow-up appointments will help ensure the lenses do not cause abrasions or cornea damage. Cleaning and disinfecting your lenses help ensure that you protect your eyesight. Proper storage is vital for proper contact lens usage.

For more about getting contact lenses, visit the Houston Dry Eye clinic at our Houston, Texas, office. Call 713-664-4760 to schedule an appointment today.